“New digital tools, internet technology, it’s the next leap, maybe a quantum leap, maybe an evolutionary leap, in the technology that we’ve created to communicate and to work together.”
Elyse Eidman-Aadahl
How has the act of writing changed? What skills should we developing with our students? What are we now asking of them as composers, communicators and creators of information?
What we do know is that they are no longer passive recipients of information, nor are they isolated writers. Our students can see themselves as writers and co-constructors of information in platforms that move far beyond pencil and paper within the four walls of a classroom. 

In this video, Elyse Eidman-AAdahl of the NWP invites us to consider the changing opportunities our students have as communicators and reminds teachers that the power of clear, purposeful writing is more important now than ever. 

2 thoughts on “We are Writers. We are Collaborators.

  1. I have only just started learning more about the NWP, but from what I can tell it seems like a network that genuinely has the interests of teachers and students at their foundation. I believe that teacher collaboration is likely the single most effective agent of change in the education system. Teachers learning from teachers. I also appreciate that they work from a place of theory and research. Have you done any work with them or gone to any of their workshops Deborah?


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